Millennial Kingdom

Mat 6:10  Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 

In the second chapter of Daniel, four great world kingdoms are typified by great image, and after Daniel has interpreted its meaning, we have this significant statement:

Dan 2:44  And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

CLV  Dan 2:44 In their days, that is, of these kings, the Eloah of the heavens will set up a kingdom that for the eons shall not come to harm. His kingdom shall not be left to another people. It will pulverize and terminate all these kingdoms, and it shall be confirmed for the eons."

To sum up the evidence of this passage so as to clearly grasp its full meaning, at once, relative to the character of the "kingdom" the God of heaven is going to set up, we get this:

[1] The four kingdoms typified in the image are world-wide dominions
[2] The fourth kingdom shall be divided;
[3] And in the days of those kings (the ten-toe divisions) of the divided fourth world kingdom,
[4] Shall the God of heaven set up His Kingdom.
[5] It shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms,
[6] And it shall rise for the eons.

Here we have the assurance that the God of heaven will set up an earthly Kingdom, that it is to break in pieces and consume all other kingdoms, have world dominion and stand for the eons. With this much evidence secured, let us study the seventh chapter of Daniel.

1. The four large animals, coming up out of the great sea, typify kings (v. 17) and kingdoms that shall be in the earth (v. 23).
2. The fourth animal shall be diverse from all the animals that were before it (with reference to position, not time) and had ten liorns (v. 7).
3. The ten horns of that kingdom are ten kings that shall arise (v. 24).
4. Another horn shall arise after them having eyes and mouth declaring monstrous things against the Supreme (v. 25).
5. He shall make war (v. 21) and wear out the saints (v. 25).
6. The Transferrer of days came (v. 22).
7. And with the clouds of heaven one like the Son of Man came (v. 13).
8. Adjudication is sitting and the scrolls are opened (vs. 10, 26).
9. The horn speaking great things had his dominion taken away and consumed to the end (vs. 11, 26).
10. And unto Him [the Son of Mankind] was given dominion and glory and Kingship, that all peoples, races and languages should serve Him (v. 14).
11. And the time arrived that the saints should possess the kingdom (v. 22).
12. And the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under all the heavens shall be given to the people of the saints and the Kingdom is an eonian Kingdom and all dominions shall serve and obey it (v. 27).

Surely no one need to error in the face of all this evidence as to the expression "the kingdom of the heavens'' used by Matthew. It is a literal Kingdom to be set up by the God of heaven and will embrace all the kingdoms under the whole heaven. The expression calls attention to the source from whence the kingdom comes the heavens, and the sphere where it is to operate—under all the heavens, that is, on the earth.

May it be noted that the expression "the Kingdom of the heavens" lays emphasis on the physical and political aspects of the Kingdom, while the expression "the Kingdom of God", though spiritual and universal in its full and complete sense, is oftentimes used in speaking of "the Kingdom of the heavens" to emphasize the God of the heavens Who sets up the Kingdom, and to Whom authority and sovereignty must be acknowledged by all who enter and enjoy its blessings. It emphasizes the spiritual aspects of the Kingdom on earth in which the will of God is to be done as it is in heaven.

The Kingdom will be setup in Jerusalem (Eze 43:2-9; Jer 30:18-22; Isa 2:2-3; Joel 3:16)

Ezekiel tells us that the name of the city in that day will be Jehovah Shammah, that is, "the Lord [Jehovah] is there" (Eze. 48:35), while Zechariah calls it "the city of truth" (Zech. 8:1-7). Then shall many peoples and strong nations come to seek and worship Jehovah of hosts in Jerusalem" (Zech. 8:22).

Palestine will be "made like the garden of Eden" (Eze. 36:35) and inhabited by the sons of Israel, made one nation in the land of their fathers, to dwell therein, they and their children, and their children's children for the eon, when Jehovah shall hallow them, setting His tabernacle in the midst of them, and be their God and they shall be His people (Eze. 37: 21-28; 39:21-29).

The royal grant of land given unto their father Abraham is more than eight times larger than that which was formerly occupied by the twelve tribes. It extends from the "river of Egypt" to the Euphrates (Gen. 15:18). Ezekiel fixes its northern boundary at Hamath, about 100 miles north of Damas-cus, and its southern boundary at Kadesh, about 100 miles south of Jerusalem (Eze. 48:1-28). With Israel established in their land as the royal priesthood to Jehovah, "the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under all the heavens" shall be given to them (Dan. 7:26).

See Zech 8:1-8

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