Egyptian Fables - Part 2

In each blog, I often reference many different topics that I've already covered (or will soon cover), and maybe you've missed.  Please review my blogs to read more...

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The Smoking Gun...

The following is what I consider to be ABSOLUTE proof of intentional deceit by the KJV translators and desperate so-called "theologians".

1 Co 15:55  O death, where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory? 

Excuse me… Oh grave?!

Eleven (11) times the Holy Spirit inspired the Greek word hades to be used, and ten of those eleven times the KJV translates hades as "hell".

But in this only solitary verse of 1 Co 15:55, they translated it "grave".

Do you know why?

I’ll tell you why.

Because theologians wanted to protect their pagan doctrine of eternal punishment in hades at all cost, even if that meant fraudulently being inconsistent with the Greek word hades.

The translators did not want the people to know that there is "victory" over their un-Scriptural pagan hell, that’s why!

Read it again:

O death, where is your sting? O grave [hades] where is your victory?

Can you imagine the controversy if they would have translated it as "hell" eleven out of eleven times?!

"O hell where is your victory?"

They knew exactly what they were doing and if you don’t believe me by now, then you may be more stubborn than me!

There’s no way they could have fit this into their own Theological box if they would have translated this verse to read “hell” as they did the other ten times.

Time and time again... I’ve shown their dishonesty and this example alone should be enough to convince anyone of their dishonesty.

God has allowed these things to happen for a reason... just as Jesus only spoke in parables to the multitudes, the Truth is like a treasure HIDDEN in a field... we MUST go out and find it.  Dig for it...  

The more you dig, the deeper and wider the hole.


My plan is to cover hades in more detail under the Whence Hell? series of blogs, but for the purpose of Egyptian fables...

What exactly, or maybe I should be asking Who is hades?

Hades was the ancient Greek god of the underworld.  He had three sisters, and two brothers whose names you will recognize as Zeus and Poseidon.

Hades is defined as: "The Unseen"

First, a little Egyptian background - here is one version concerning the origin of the universe:

"From the beginning there was nothing but a water chaos called Nun, and from that came the god Atum, who had created himself. He made the earth god Geb, and his sister (and wife) Nut, goddess of the sky. To hold up and fill the sky they had two children, the boy Shu, the god of the air, and a girl Tefnut, goddess of moisture and rain. This family of four was the very foundation upon which the world existed as they represented: earth, water, air and the sky" (Egyptian gods, By Ottar Vendel, p. 7)

It's interesting to note how they also start with the watery chaos...

CLV  Gen 1:2 Yet the earth became a chaos and vacant, and darkness was on the surface of the submerged chaos. Yet the spirit of the Elohim is vibrating over the surface of the water.

The Egyptians called it the "womb of darkness" from which sprang the first "cosmic egg".

Egyptian mythology preserves hints of the Truth as according to Scripture.  They start with the watery chaos, the land then rises up from out of the submerged chaos.  This "first spot" of land that emerged, of which light from heaven first shone upon is referred to by the Egyptians as the "Benben stone".

Yes - it was in the shape of a pyramid.

This pyramid shaped Benben stone would become the prominent part of Egyptian architecture.  It's placed on top of all obelisks and many historians and Egyptologists will tell you you it's symbolic of an erect phallus.

The womb, the phallus, eggs, sex, fertility, etc., were all at the core of ancient religions.  Many of these symbols are, believe it - or not, still evident in today's Christian churches, temples, holy days, festivals, symbols, mythology, and yes - doctrines.

In the place of our Creator God, the Egyptians placed man himself - Atum.

Atum united with the rising sun god Ra and together they were later joined as Atum-Ra, who then gave birth to the god Shu.

According to the Egyptians, Shu supported the sky.  The Greeks later borrowed from this idea and created Atlas who supported the whole world on his shoulders.

Shu's wife (also his sister) was Tefnut... The Greeks named her Ephnis.

Atum also created Geb, the earth god... The Greeks named him Gaia, the earth god.  

Geb's wife (also his sister) was Nut... The Greeks named her Rhea.

Geb and Nut gave birth to Nephthys... Nephthys became the Greek Apharodite.

Geb and Nut also gave birth to Osiris.

And finally...

We arrive at the Greek god Hades.

Osiris was the god of the Egyptian netherworld.

Hades was the god of the Greek underworld.

The lowest part of Hades underworld is called tartarus in the Greek.

2Pe 2:4  For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell [G5020 - tartaroo], and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 

tartaroo is the Greek tartarus.  However, tartarus is not Greek - it is Egyptian.

An interesting point concerning Hades is that he was said to be the son of Cronus (or Kronos).

Briefly, Cronus is said to have learned (from prophecy) that his rule was destined to be overcome by his own sons, just as he, himself had overthrown his own father.  What did he do?  He devoured them all at birth to prevent the prophecy from coming true.

Does that remind you of anything?

Rev 12:4  ... and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. 

No doubt, the dragon also knows of prophecy.  Not a big deal, I just thought it was interesting.

Virtually ALL of the gods of Egypt were borrowed and built upon by Greece and Rome.  They invented a few of their own, but most came straight from Egypt.

Ok, so most of the relevant gods are covered above... now let's review Egyptian "places" or "locations".

Egyptian Places

The Egyptian "paradise" was called Elisout, or Elisaeus - "Fields of Reeds".

The Greeks copied this and called it the Elysian Fields.

Greek mythology is generally copied from the Egyptian mythology.  The Romans then copied from the Greeks.

The Romans, who were allowed to remain as part of the Roman Catholic Church then retained some of these practices and beliefs even though the theologians knew that these beliefs were pagan to the core.

What did God sternly warn us about?

Deu 12:30  Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them [the pagan nations], after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire NOT after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods?  Even so will I do likewise.


Deu 12:31  Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every ABOMINATION to the LORD, which He HATES, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have BURNT IN THE FIRE to their gods. 

Surely, Christendom of today would never, ever have such an "ABOMINATION to the LORD" would they?

Yes... Christendom has with one exception... they've taken the Canaanites doctrine, and brought it to a level of total insanity.

Paul said:

2 Ti 3:13  But evil men and seducers shall wax WORSE and WORSE, deceiving, and being deceived. 

2 Ti 4:4  And they shall turn away their ears from the Truth, and shall be turned unto fables [G3454 - muthos, a tale, fiction, MYTHS].

One cannot "turn away" from the Truth unless they once had Truth.

"Total insanity" has been birthed out of simply burning up one's sons and daughters and changed to WILL BURN IN FIRE endlessly!

Here's how John Hagee puts it... a direct quote:

"…every BOY and every GIRL who dies without knowing Jesus Christ spends AN ETERNITY IN A CITY WHERE THE FIRE IS NEVER QUENCHED and the worm dieth not." (Directly quoted from John Hagee’s Sermon entitled: "The Seven Wonders of Hell.")

How about our ever-so-popular French theologian John Calvin?

"How did it come to pass that the fall of Adam, without remedy, should involve so many nations, with their INFANT CHILDREN, in eternal death [by which he means eternal torture in fire], but because of the will of God? It is a horrible decree, I confess!" (Calvin’s Institutes, Book III, c. 23, 7.)

While Calvin himself calls this damning of children "a horrible decree", modern day Calvinist, Dr. James Kennedy, has taken Calvin's decree down to "Hell is FAIR".

2 Pe 2:1-2  But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there SHALL BE false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in DAMNABLE [G684 - apoleiaHERESIES, even DENYING the Lord THAT BOUGHT THEM, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.  And MANY shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 

Notice how the KJV translated [G684 - apoleia] above as "damnable".  As much as I'd like to, as they ARE damnable heresies in my mind, I cannot in good faith let this slide...

However - the word should be translated as "destructive" - NOT damnable... the KJV translators often pronounced their own judgment outside of the true definition of the word.

More often than not, they pronounce their own fate in each of the verses in which they deceitfully mislead us with their translation!

They did it intentionally and deceitfully and I prove this in my blog "Intentional Deceit".  They will one day answer to the only True Judge.

Egypt's Evolution

The early beliefs of Egyptian mythology are all over the place.  They're fanciful, exaggerated, contradicting, and bizarre.  You can make yourself crazy trying to narrow it all down.

Their bizarre beliefs are the foundation for many of Christendom's foundational doctrines... the [1] immortal soul, [2] judgment at death, [3] entrance (for some) into paradise, and [4] the never-ending punishment for others.

They are all tied to Egyptian Mythology.

Let's dig into Osiris (god of the Egyptian underworld) a little more.  

While Osiris is said to be the "god of the Egyptian afterlife, underworld, and the dead" he is more appropriately the "god of the transition, resurrection, and regeneration". 

Osiris is said to have been the first king of Egypt.  His queen Isis was also his sister.  Osiris also had a brother named Set and sister Nephthys (Greek Apharodite).

Osiris held a feast in which Set brings a beautiful coffin that he had made.  Set promised to give the coffin to whomever's body fit inside the coffin perfectly.  In fact, Set constructed the coffin to fit Osiris perfectly as Set wanted Osiris' throne for himself.

Osiris climbs in, Set closes the lid and nails it shut... Set then throws the coffin into the Nile River.  

Later, Osiris' grieving wife Isis finds the body and hides it in the reeds where it is found and dismembered by SetIsis then finds all of the fragmented pieces of Osiris (except for his phallus which was swallowed by a fish).  

SO, Isis fashions a golden (wood in some versions) phallus and briefly brings Osiris back to life by use of a spell learned from her father.  The spell works long enough for Isis to become pregnant (with a son - Horusbefore Osiris dies again.  Osiris is embalmed by Anubis and becomes the worlds first mummy. 

Set turned himself into a snake and nearly killed Horus.  As a result, Isis took Horus and hid in the reeds until he was grown when Set once more tried to kill him.

Set and Isis fought for three days until Troth (god of wisdom) takes them both to the underworld to the Court of Law.

Set was found guilty and sentenced to pulling "The Boat of Millions of Years" across the watery heavens forever.

Ok... I know this is all crazy, but I'm trying to give you a brief background which will come into play soon.

Egyptian Funeral

At different locations in Egypt you will find what they referred to as "sacred lakes".

According to ancient Greek historian Diodorus Siculus there were judges who would determine the character of the deceased to determine the day of burial.

This judgment took place by 42 judges on the shore of a "sacred lake"... burial tombs being placed across the lake.

Anyone could bring charges against the deceased.  If a person was deemed evil, they would be denied the journey across the lake for burial.

If there were unsubstantiated accusations, or no witnesses against the deceased, then the relatives of said deceased could eulogize their loved one with praise and prayers to the gods of the underworld - hoping to have him received into the society of the blessed.

If the multitude acclaimed the deceased of excellent character then he could be joined into the regions of Amenti.  They would put the deceased into a boat and ferry him across the lake to his burial site.

Amenti is the Egyptians place of punishment in the underworld.  The Greeks borrowed this ideal and named it Hades.

If the deceased was found guilty, he was taken home, propped up against the wall for a period of time during which prayers were offered, and money exchanged with the priests, in order to shorten this purgatory period.

This was not their only judgment.

Upon entering the underworld the deceased would be judged again at the Court of Osiris.  It was easy to get to this court either.  One had to pass many gates, doors, tricky passages, answer questions, know the names of all the gods, secret formulas, etc., to get there.  

Osiris became the ruler of the underworld and this place of judgment was call "The Island of Fire".

After the heart of the deceased is weighed (could not be too heavy with sin) he would be brought before the throne of Osiris who alone was able to grant permission to continue the voyage to the afterlife.

The deceased would be granted a plot of land in the "Field of Reeds"... Egyptian paradise.

If the heart was too heavy with earthly sins... the beast Ammut, who sat under the scales, would eat his heart before the deceased would be brought before Osiris who would announce the worst possible fate for an Egyptian.

It is at this point that we come to two different Egyptian teachings.

If a person were not extraordinarily wicked, he would be sentenced to a sort of purgatory where his soul would be reincarnated / transmigrated into another, or an animal.
The unpardonable sinner was condemned to burn in "never ending fire".

You should now be able to recognize all of the above in our current Christian doctrines... reward of Heaven, minimal punishment in the Catholic purgatory, and never ending fire for the rest.

The ancient Egyptians made all of this up before any such things were recorded in the Old, or New Testament Scriptures.

Moving on to Part 3...

Some of these excerpts are from my personal notes copied from 30+ years of studying... some of these notes are direct copies of various sources - I do not claim to have authored every word of this... it's just a mass collection I've tucked away over the years for my own personal studies... I didn't consider a bibliography at the time I directly copied small excerpts from various authors.  Also, any emphasis (underlines, bold text, all CAPS, etc.) noted above was only meant to capture my personal attention as I studied... 

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